Started: 5March2009
updated: Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Gas Watch:
Gas is back up to over $5 a gallon as of 31 Mar 24. No reason for it. EV are proving not to be as reliable or as clean for the environment at they were projected to be.

Prices are on the rise again. Down for Christmas 2023 now inching up in 2024.

11 Oct 2023 gas in California is near $7 a gal. Biden says everyone is happy. Are You?

30 Nov 22. Gas prices have lowered buy not below when Biden took office. In a political move, Biden went to the KSA and begged for them not to decrease production or at least until after the election. However, the Saudi's rebuffed this fool and reduced production. Biden crawling on his knees to another country including Venezuela to aid the production while at the USA he has vowed to end oil production for us.
1 Oct21. Gas has stabilized for now
26 May 2022 $5.65 gal
Biden took office and Gas was at $1.89 gal

20Jan21 0 .7%
26 May 2022 8.26 %
12 July 2022 9.1%

Border Invasion
As of 11 Oct 2023 7 million illegals have entered the USA. New Your City and Chicago are crying that they can not take care of the flood. Hey wait, they are sanctuary city. I thought they loved Illegals. Oh just not in their back yard.
As of Jan 2023, 5.5 million illegals have crossed the southern border. No end in sight.

Under Biden:
2,000,000, 40% covid positive. They are being shipped through out the USA with out our permission or knowledge. 3Nov21 and still as of 26 May 2022.

5 Mar 2021: Detention centers now changed to reception centers for Illegals entering the country. Ice told to discharge illegals into the interior of US until their hearing. We are in a border crises.

The Democrats just voted against reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before all Judiciary Committee hearings. Guess they do not Respect American. Funny they are apart of it. 5Feb21

Biden backs Green New Deal. Will kill America. It is designed to control man not free him. It will shut down of all oil production. Supporters do not know the impact.
Merrick Garland wants former Facebook Lawyer to lead DOJ antitrust division. Great news for Zuckie. 28jan21
The Dems do not want voter registration. They want unformed to vote their way and keep their power.
The Dems have turned to be socialists. Look the list of candidates starting with Sanders. They are also calling for gun confiscation. Beto most vocal.
ACO and the new Green power want to get rid of planes, billionares, rebuild every building in the US, everyone get free health care, everyone gets a government pay check whether they work or not, everyone get a home, tax the upper income bracket by 70%. How are they going to pay for this. They think that Venezuela is a paradise even though it has imploded. There are now 20 Dems proclaiming that they are going to run for President in 2020. Wow.

The Killing of America

Killing of America Blog
More timely updates

Remember: Truth makes man free. The Marxist Democrats do not want you to know the Truth.

Updated: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Easter 2024, Biden issues a Proclamation that Easter will be "Transgendered Day" Celebration day. Easter Proclamation as follows:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024 as Transgender Day of Visibility. Issued by the White House 29 March 2024. FU46. My thoughts: this is a direct slap to Christianity by this administration to do this on Easter Sunday.

Biden is sending American troops to Gaza to build a port for Hamas. What the hell is going on. He is killing us. In addition he is going to resettle Palestinian refugees in the USA. We are asking for terrorism to hit us again. In addition, our IVY league schools are pandering to the Hamas protestors and allowing out Jewish student to be threatened with out and response. Students are yelling "Us are Hamas." and are showing signs for the call of Hitler's "Final Solution." Biden and his administration are allowing this crap.

31 March 2024: At an Easter egg hunt people were advised "Not to place any religious symbols on the Eggs as not to offend non Christians. Wtf, THIS IS A CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION OF LIFE.

On 31 March 2024, people were out during Easter asking for signatures to allow abortions and allow women to choose. This is Easter. Jesus rising from the dead. Only mindless, uneducated people would do such a thing.

Disgusting acts: February 2024, an Oklahoma school had a fund raising event in that children sucked toes and licked feet of adults to raise money for special needs children. Who in the hell approved this and why? This is simple grooming of our precious children for abuse. Do not stand for this crap. Take back Americn

December 2023: over 12000 illegals have crossed the border in one day. The highest on record. This is the willful destruction of America and the American dream. We have laws for peaceful assimilation and joining freedom loving Americans. Biden is determined to destroy this country and ensure one party rule. We have over 10 million illegals in the USA in the past 3 years. The plan is to keep the Dems in power. They are not interested in America, only in keeping power and control.

December 2023: Some states are trying to remove President Trump from their ballot for allegedly instigating the Jan 6 assembly for Americans. Left has painted this as an insurrection. Trump was cleared of this by Congress and the Department of Justice. However, Trump is leading Biden by double digits and the left is running scared. This has never be attempted in the United States before. One finds this only in dictator led countries. Biden is following the communist game plan of inprisioning thier rivals. This need to stop and the American People awakened.

November 2023: Electrical vehicles are not working. Ford is cutting back their production due to materials and lack of technology.

26 October 2023: Jews around the world are being attacked by Hamas supporters. Biden says nothing. Hamas only has one mission and that is to remove Israel forever. There is no compromise. Islam only honors Islam.

18 October 2023: Biden pledges $100 Million to Gaza. This is the Hamas, Hesbola and other terrorist groups that attack Israel and Called for the death of America. They also have 30 American hostages. No conditions were set. Biden just gave them the money to rebuild with out any monitoring. What the Fuck Joe. Americans do not want this.

7 Oct 2023:Hamas has declared war on Israel. Over 1000 have died in the first days of the invasion. Children, infants and women are being killed and beheaded. Biden less than a month earlier released 6 billion to Iran to be used for humanitarian purposes. They retorted "Death to American" and will do what ever we want with the money.

It has become apparent that the Left, Bidens/Obama's Party, wants one party rule and will do anything to remove the conservative view. They will do anything to stop Trump from running. Examples:

April 2023: Saudi says it will cut its production by 50%. Tells Biden in so many words to Fuck Off. Biden buying oil from Venezuela. Keeping our oil production shut down.

April 2023: Pelosi say that" Trump can prove his innocence at trial. " Wait in the US, you are innocent until proven guilty. What the hell is this and where is she living.

April 2023: China, Russia, Iran and Syria are planning to make a new global order and the USA will be left out. China looking to replace the US dollar with the Chinese Yuan.

Democrats are for grooming of children for gay, lesbian, transgendered life. The right is resisting this killing of our children buy the left keeps on pushing it. Grooming through school, Transgendered reading hour, having the FBI investigate parents for objecting to this queer education in schools. Democrats are supporting castration surgery for those under 10. Children can not drive, vote, drink, stay up late but are mature enough to change their genitals and alter their bodies with out the knowledge of their parents. Hell Biden's nomination to SCOTUS can not even define a "Woman" but children are allowed to change genders?

April 2023: Transgendered male to female shoots up Christian school. Media portrays this guy as the one who is the victim. 6 people killed including 3 children.

March 2023: Department of Defense report says that 80% of Americans aged 17 to 24 are unfit for military service. That is a 6% increase from 2017.

Biden says that China is not our adversary but a competitor. Biden is killing our oil and trying to go green. He has open contracts with China to build solar panels and batteries while shutting down mining in the USA for the very materials we need. Our future is in China's hands.

Biden list of Fuckups

Biden has Top Secret file from being VP at his homes and at the University of Penn. They were reported 3 November but not disclosed until months later to not damage the elections. Dems kept the Senate. Lost the House. DOJ is refusing to disclose the docs to the Senate committee run by the Republicans now.

Lies when he said he gave his Uncle a Purple Heart when his Uncle died years before Biden was Vice President.

Biden gets lost on stage at the UN. Does not know where to go. Poor lost soul.

Biden has covid twice, back to back. He has received 2 shots and 2 boosters. Shots do not protect you or those around you. Why get them?

Biden tries to install a Truth Ministry and lasts only 3 days. 1984 anyone?

Rowe v Wade: Scotus judges are being harassed by Abortionist at their home to get them to change their minds on a leaked ruling. First: it is illegal to threaten or intimidate a Judge. Second: the left is calling individuals to do this intimidation. Biden administration is condoning this action.

Want to see how Biden won the last election. See

Rise in crime is all due to Left politics. Police ordered to stand down. No punishment for crimes. Source: John Lott

Biden approval is 27% and Harris is lower as of
1 Oct 2023

As of 1 Feb 2023: What has Biden built back better? 

Biden: "I don't work for you." "Your a lying dog-face pony soldier." "Stand up you stupid Bastards." And he is showing it.

Obama on Biden," Do not underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.

Biden hates America and places American last and illegals first. Wants to pay 1 million to each illegal family that was separated under Trump Administration. This is crap.

General Milley is a Traitor. Him and Biden are in China's pocket. China has tested a hypersonic missile that there is no defence. Biden calls it stiff competition.

Choose the Jab or lose your Job! Un-American. Due to Biden mandate first responders, doctors, nurses, supply lines, private employees and military will be terminated.

Meet me on

Voter ID and in person voting is the only way to insure there is no fraud in US voting. Mail in voting open the election to fraud.

Election fraud update


Illegals | Voter fraud-irregularities | Economy destruction | Green Deal | Cancel Culture | Gun Control under Biden | China Threat under Biden | Trump Hate |Where is Hunter? |BLM | ANTIFA | Minimum Wage points $15/hr | Covid - CCP | Afghanistan Failure | Create a Socialist State | Rise in Crime| June 6 Farce |Ukraine| You are a conservative if you believe this. |

  • Mortgage rates are not at 8% putting home ownership out of the reach of most Americans unless they make a min of $140,000 a year. 19 Oct 23. Building back better Biden is the cause of this.
  • Biden has stated several times," Trump will not be President Again."
  • Trump being prosecuted for allegedly falsifying appraisals for his property. No jury trial just a Judge who as threatened to get Trump. No victim, no fraud, no one insured, Banks paid back and Banks lended more. Election interference.
  • Trump has over 90 inditements. Biden has unleashed his DOJ to go after TRump. On several occasions Biden as stated Trump will never take office as President again. He is attacking his political rival to the likes never seen in the US before. We are now under a dictatorship. American is dying. Biden is doing it.
  • It has been shown that the Biden family has received over 20 million from foreign sources. Biden now says he has never received any money directly.
  • Republicans take back the house. Biden has secret docs at his homes. Hunter had access to these docs.The left now are setting up Biden no to run in 2024 because of his ability to fuck things up . So much to tell.
  • Update on Trump raid: Judge has granted request for a special investigator. Judge says that documents received were not legal to collect. FBI had exceeded their authority. They had also pick up medical records and attorney client privileged information.
  • Biden bill to add 87000 new IRS agents to go after Americans. Why?
  • Inflations as hit 9.1% Gas at an all time high. $6 per gallon. As of May 2022 the GDP has gone from 8% growth to -2% reduction under Biden. He blames it all on Putin. Biden's fault. Biden first says he can not control gas prices. Now he is taking victory lap for prices falling 50 cents per gallon even though it went of $5/ Gal under him.
  • The USA is in ruins with Biden at the Helm. Over 2 million illegals have entered the US with 40% covid positive. The Jab does not protect those who receive it and allows those who get it to spread the disease. Fauci has been behind gain of function on the covid and working with the Chinese. Fuel is at an all time high. Heating fuel us up 30% over last 2 years. Biden has called for mandatory vax however at least the SCOTUS has ruled his mandate on business is unconstitutional. Dems are trying like hell to make sure Trump can not run for office in the future with the fake 6 Jan insurrection. Rule of law does not apply to the Dems.
  • China was declared today 10 Nov 2021 the strongest and largest naval power in the world. Biden has sold us out. In addition , The USS Harvey Milk was launched. Harvey Milk was the openly gay mayor of San Francisco who was also a molester of teenage boys. In fact one young man hung himself in Milk's back yard.
  • Biden wants to give Illegals $450,000 for being separated from children when they broke the law and entered the USA illegally. 7 Nov 2021
  • Government does not want to treat those that do not take the covid shot. However we take care of illegals, criminals that are injured in committing a crime, car accidents, but if you have not been vaxxed you will be denies medical treatment.
  • The 1619 project is aimed at declaring USA was founded on slavery and the USA has to be remaid. Eliminate the US Constitution.
  • Critical Race Theory (CRT) is going back to separation of colors and the white, Christian, male needs to be punished. Defeated in Virginia election Nov 2021 with Youngkin win of Governorship.
  • Biden Education: Parents should not be telling schools what they should teach. Parents should have no say in teaching their children. 1 Oct 2021 on Dan Bongino broadcast.
  • Today 15 Aug 2021 Kabul falls to the Taliban. Joe Biden is hiding at Camp David.
  • Biden also says that we will not see people lifted off the roof as we have seen in the past. OOOOPs guess what. It happened. No one is afraid of Biden.

  • China Owns Biden. China has made American actors and sports figures apologize for calling Taiwan a separate country. They want America disarmed. They want America on their Knees and Biden is allowing it. Biden is killing America and placing it last by boosting Russian oil, destroying American oil, promoting white hate through critical race teaching and vilifying white people in the US as racist and responsible for all race issues.
  • FBI says Trump did not incite 6 Jan. No officer was killed at the 6 Jan protest. Left has made lies about all deaths and impeached Trump after he was out of office. He was NOT found guilty
  • Virus did come from China. Looks like Fauci was involved in weaponizing the Virus. Liar Liar Liar Fauci. US has bio labs in Ukraine. Who would have thought?

American Threat Blog

Biden 44 years of Govt Accomplishments

Judge bars U.S. from enforcing 100 day ban on deportations dealing an early blow to BIden immigration plans.

Twitter, FaceBook, Google all blocking conservative posts. White House was blocked by Twitter. CEO says it was a mistake. Face Book and Twitter says they will continue the ban on Trump posting for 2 more years. Communism at its best.

Trump Hate

Dems attack Trump for 6 years

Past Posts

Biden on Guns


Trump Works

Obama as President

Obama Mind Map

Obama's Historical Associations and Connections

Obama Islamic and Communistic ties

Government can only give what it takes from others first.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money." Maggie Thacher

"We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty."... John F. Kennedy

Thou shalt not covet. Thou shalt not steal. Common to Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Not a part of Communism, Socialism or Liberals.

Sliding away from Democracy :
Is this one reason Obama was Re-Elected?

It was revealed that the CIA , Brennen, under Obama and Biden knew about Clintons false evidence on Trump to detract from her missing emails. This has been a false hunt for 4 years to remove Trump because of the corruption he has uncovered. Trump has until 19 Jan to unleash all his forces to expose Biden, Obama, Clinton and the killing of America. If the Senate is lost in Georgia, it will be almost impossible for America to return to Freedom and the rule of law and

the tearing up of the US Constitution.

Biden Challenge: Go 30 days with out items made from petroleum. Can you do it? Some items: mops, solvents, ink, upholstery, bicycle tires, dresses, dishwashers, golf bags, boats, floor wax, caulking, food preservatives, basketballs, rubbing alcohol, car batteries, insulators, skis, roofing, rope, trash bags.
Killing of America Blog

Biden is Obamas 3rd Term. Obama said if he could he would love to sit in a basement and feed information into the leaders ear. He could control everything with out any exposure. Well he has done it. All of Biden's staff is former Obama staff. Check it our for your self. Obama is fundamentally changing American like he said he would.

Biden is a Fraud President. Prove it otherwise. We are listening.

China Connection

Lies from the Left

Learn how to use your 2nd Amendment Rights at
Nevada Gun Rental and Shooting Academy.

Biden: "I don't work for you." "Your a lying dog-face pony soldier." "Stand up you stupid Bastards."

Biden's Border Strategy is "Release, Protect and Reward"

plan to make Racial Equity be in the business of the Whole of Government.

Pelosi called for machguns to be used against demonistrators for the inaugration swearin. It was turned down by the National Guard Commanding Officer.

Project Veritas exposes Twitter bias against conservatives. Link

Trump Promises

Conservative Sources

Marke Levine

Dan Bongino

Candance Owens

Larry Elders

Breitbart news

The Blaze

Ted Nugent

Sean Hannity

Ben Shiparo

18 October 2023, Supporters of the invasion of Israel, occupied the US Capitol Building. This was not considered an insurrection but just a freedom of speach demonistration. They threw Trump supporters in jail for this and yet nothing for these people who support the Killing of Amreica. WTF.
We are now suffering from shortages, inflation, high gas prices all brought upon by Joe Biden. Biden says it is because for a thriving economy. NO IT IS NOT! Think about this. Biden cancelled the Pipline to save the climate. Well pipline transmission of oil does not require trucks or trains that pollute the air with carbon gas production. The Dems just want to destroy America. Beijing Biden killed 10 of thousands of jobs on the first day as President.
The Democrats platform for this election is the same as the Communist Manifesto. This election is the US Constitution vs Communism
Hey Biden killed the border wall on his first day. Supports illegals over Americans. Border wall construction nears 400 miles as DHS declares border more secure than any time in US history. 30 Oct 2020
Walmart takes ammo and guns out of stores incase of election violence. First time ever.
Hunter Biden caught discussing partnership with China 'spy chief' on audio. By the way Swalwell who is in the Security committee in the House of Representatives was linked to a Chinese spy and has not had his security clearance revoked or removed from that committee. Hummm
 Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Jerry Nadler of Congress says that the American People can not be trusted to elect the American President. He said " We can't Trust an Election to get ride of President Trump." 2019.

Chinese threatens Speaker McCarthy if he meet with Presiden of Taiwan President in California.

China threatens to shoot down Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan. Well they did not but now they are practicing war games around the Island. Nothing happened. China is sabre rattling.

Senate now want to get rid of the filibuster to push Bidens Plan of no restriction and mail in voting. In the past the Dems wanted to keep the filibuster to protect America. Now they want to throw it out.

Biden "Build Back Better" is destroying America. It should be "Leave it alone."

Push for DC statehood is unconstitutional. Looks like it will not pass or move forward as of 3 Nov21. It is now dead unless the filibuster is removed.

Kerry tells laid off oil workers to find solar jobs after pipeline was shut down. 27Jan21

Goal was to: Promote higher gas prices to further green energy. Look at Spain as a model. They are in crisis.

Oops, world oil on the drop due to increased oil production in the US private Sector. What will happen next?

Hunter still owns 10% China Company

Obama's Marxist past!

People Connections

NY Democrat is calling election fraud because he lost by 126 votes. The Right is persecuted for this and he is venerated. BTW the Republican won and still is not seated after 90 days.
Due to the Virus voting was started early and some states will have up to 2 weeks to count ballots. State supreme courts in Pennsylvania ruled that signatures do not have to match.Setting up confusion in the election of the President. If it can not be determined by 20 Jan, Speaker of the House becomes president. Lets hope Pelosi losses her seat.
Oprah spreading racial hate and white privilege discourse. She is the richest black woman in the world.
Steve Forbes warns of economic disaster is Joe Biden wins the White house. 30 Oct 2020
Voter Fraud: Fraudster attempts to register dead democrats as voters in South Florida. 30 Oct. 20
I wrote this in 2016 on Trump Election. Looks like it came true.

Advantage of Trump over Hillary:

If Trump is elected and does not do the will of the people, Congress will have no hesitation in Impeaching him an removing him from office. This will leave Mike Pence as President.

If Hillary is elected, she will not be impeached of any reason. She is the first woman president and just like Barrack Obama will be given free reign over her new found Kingdom.

Debt clock is over 33 trillion dollars.

Republican house is holding firm on not raising the debt limit as of 1 Feb 2023.

Economy was boomimg under Trump.

Biden has passed a bill know as the anti inflation act that adds 87,000 irs agents to go after middle America. How does this stop inflation?

Trump impeachments both times were a hoax. Fabricated stories to make sure Trump never runs for office again.
Russian collusion all a hoax set up by Hillary to take heat off her emails.
General Flynn is found not guilty. DOJ wants to drop case. It was a set up by Comey to get Trump directed by Obama and Biden. An Obama appointed judge refuses to allow DOJ to drop case even though Flynn was set up.
Biden: "I don't work for you." "Your a lying dog-face pony soldier." "Stand up you stupid Bastards."
How to create a Socalist State

1:Control Healthcare
2: Increase Poverty level. Poor are easier to control.
3: Increase debt to an unsustanible level. They you can increase taxes and produce more poverty.
4:Gun Control. Remove the ability to protect oneself.
5:Welfare: take control of every aspect of peoples lives. (food, housing and income)
6: Control Education
7:Remove the belief in God from Govt and schools.
8:Class warefare. Divide people into wealthy and poor. This will cause the greatest discontent

This is going on as of today 17 Jan 2022. The dems are set upon making the USA a socalist country. We need American to stand up and contact their representatives. The government works for us. We do not work for them.

Biden For Abortions and He is Catholic. Crazy.

Obama Time Line
Killing of America Blog
Obama and the Constitution
Obama issues that are still unanswered:
  • Al Queda retakes Fallujah 2014
  • Fast and Furious
    • Executive Protection
  • Benghazi
    • Who gave order to stand down?
    • Who omitted Al Queada?
    • Who misled America?
    • Why was America Misled?
    • What about our 4 dead Americans? Justice? 
  • Energy Independence
    • Oil Production
    • Solyndra
    • Green energy
    • Green cars?
  • School Records
  • Pass Port
Islam vs Communism
2nd Amendment Foundation
Fox News
Stop Liberal
Prayer options for Survival
Drudge Report
Rush Limbaugh
Mike Savage
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Jason Mattera
Roger Hedgecock
Heritage Foundation
Weasel Zippers
Politico Mafioso
White House Blog.
Politifact Check
Daily Beast: Liberal News
Western Journalism: conservative
The Hill
List of terrorist organizations
* Are you a Terrorist. Look
 Resurrection Of America
Foreign American Threats
Homeland Threat Report
Archived stories
Financial Prayer
History of Gun Control
Long War Journal
Al Qaeda's Shadow Army
 Oath Keepers
Family Security Matters
Principles of Conservatism!
  • Support the Constitution
    • Provide for the Common Defense
    • Promote the General Welfare
  • Respect for Life
  • Less Government
  • Take Personal Responsibility
Obama for Change
America in trouble
Wake Up America! Its not too late. Do not kill the worlds last great hope. We are the "good man" that opposes evil. God did Bless America.
Do not forget those who have fought for our freedom. Do not let liberty, our way of life die now!
Don't Give up the ship!!!
Homeland Security has released a report stating Right Wing Conservatives are a danger to the security of the United States. We the people are the United States you idiots!!!!!!! 14April09
Letter to DHS from congressman as follows: "As I am certain you agree, freedom of association and freedom of speech are guaranteed to all Americans -- whether a persons beliefs, whatever their political orientation, are 'extremist' or not," Mr. Thompson (Rep. Mississippi) said.

The report "blurred the line," and Mr. Thompson said he is "disappointed and surprised that the department would allow this report to be disseminated" to law enforcement officials nationwide.

Lenin and Stalin instructed their comrades to, immediately upon seizing control of a country's government, to seize all guns from the citizens before they realized what had happened to them. Are we on the same path? 
Marxist marvel?
 Now Sanders, Warren, and all the other Democrate candidates follow Obama and Marx. 2019

American Threats Blog

United States Debt Clock link

Biden Build back better is Killing America

Hard questions caught on video.

Media fails to give equal coverage to all inter race murders. More here.
7 Aug 2022: FBI raided President Trump's home at Mar-A-Logo for alleged Presidental documents from his administration that were to be given to the National Archives. This has never been done to an American President. He is also maybe a candadite for President in the next election. This is the use of the FBI to get rid of political opponents and must not be allowed to happen ever.
9 Nov 2021: the whole point of the Russian collusion was conducted by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats was to destroy the conficence of the American people in the Presidency of Donald Trump. It was a complete farce as shown today. Fraudulent docs and testimony with the backing of the FBI used to overthrow a sitting president. 2 false impeachment trials and one of which when Trump was out of office.
10 Nov 2021 inflation is the highest it has been in 30 years.
7 Nov 2021: Biden tells Americans to ignore the US courts in staying his covid business mandate. Breaking the law.
China was declared today 10 Nov 2021 the strongest and largest naval power in the world. Biden has sold us out. In addition , The USS Harvey Milk was launched. Harvey Milk was the openly gay mayor of San Francisco who was also a molester of teenage boys. In fact one young man hung himself in Milk's back yard.
15 June 2021 update: They are going after Trump again. Another false investigation having to do with his DOJ asking for phone records. The left is truly afraid of him. Still nothing. This is all a plan to make it so that Trump can not run for office again in the future.
Biden to use taxpayers money to rebuild American after he has increased out dependence of foreign oil by elimination of Keystone pipeline and stopping of drilling on American soil.
Green New Deal: "Where the chains of capitalism are forged, there they must be broken. Only that is socialism, and only thus can socialism be created. " Lenin/ BHO
Biden saying stupit things.He keeps saying stupid things. 10 percent for the Big Guy.

There is no white privilege or black, red, yellow. Only mental and physical abilities count. I do not see color but I do see ass holes and jerks that hate America. I see people who make excuse of their own failures. I refer back to Martin Luther King words," Men will be judged by the content of their character." Everything else is meaningless. I have protected all colors, all income levels. I have gone out on search and rescue missions, not for pay or rewards. I search to find anyone in need of help. I see God's children and nothing else. Stop this hate of America. America is a group of people that believe in equal justice for all, pursuit of happiness with out color limitations , no oppression and we can either fail on our own or help other succeed.

July 2020. Highest firearms sales in history for the months of March, April, May and June 2020. Liberals are changing their minds on the 2n amendment and supporting it.

Over 90% of the media coverage of President Trump has been negative. His positive actions have been completely ignored by the media.

Sept 2019: Calls for Impeachement inquiries for President Trump asking for information on Biden influence on Ukranian investigation of Bidens son while Biden was Vice President. Impeachement removal failed. Trump was impeached for what Biden actually did. Biden did use his offices and US funds to have Ukraine Prosecuter who was investigation his son fired. Proof is that Joe Biden bragged on it on tv and FBI had Hunter Bidens lap top and kept it from President Trump which would have cleared President Trump.

Climate change walkout arranged by strudents to protest climate change. Girl from Sweeden addressed the UN saying the world is not doing enough to stop world polution and CO2 emissions.

Iran attacks Saudi oil production facilities inside the Kingdom. Iran also shot down a US drone. No response from the USA. Bolten is fired from Trump Administration. USA now largest producer of oil in the world.

What has happened to the Russian collusion allegation? Nothing there. Now the dems are attacking trump for using aledge viloent language inspite they are calling for violence against Republicans and Trump followers. Maxine Waters is one calling for harrassment

Red Flag Laws: A few states have passed a Red Flag law that allows individuals to report an individual they feel the individual is mentally unfit to own a firearm. Upon the report, the law enforcemend officers are suppost to collect the firearms from the subject of the report and hold the firearms until adjudicated by the courts. This is a breach of the Second Ammendment as well as due process as quaranteed by and in the Bill of Rights and the US. Constitution. Communism moving forward.

Lets see. FBI did not plan to go after Hillary according to their internal memos. A member of Mullers special investigation into alledge Russian collusion has been dismissed to tweeting and posting anti Trump rhetoric. Not bias there. Numerious Senators and Congressmen including Al Franken have had sexual assualt and harrasment issues come to the light. Nothing on Trump. But they keep searching.

Double standards by Dems and Liberals on the sexual issues. Ok for Dems not for Republicans.

April 2017: Bill O'Reilly out after decades on top. Sexual harrasment was the reason. What about Bill Clinton? No issue there.
As of 19 April 2020: no more talk about Trump in bed with Russians. It was shown that Obama had Trump Organization under surveillance by government agencies. Confirmed by Susan Rice.

19 April 2017: Iran is harrassing the US Navy in the Gulf. What todo? Trump Answered with our Navy standing up to Iran. Iran was shocked.
With all the finger pointing on how the Russians influenced the election in favor of Trump, there has not been one bit of evidence pointing toward this. However, direct links to the Obama administration that Trump and his team were under the surveillance of the federal government. Susan Rice ordered the releasing of American names that we under the scrutiny of the Obama Administration. This is against the law.
Supreme court news: It looks like the Nuke option maybe in play again. Funny how the Supreme Court nominee was approved unamiously by the Senate in the past but now there is a question by the Dems? More to follow.
Redistribution of wealth is similar to redistribution of Grade point average.

No blue wave. 3 days after the election still not winner. Trump had lead in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Gerorga, north Carolina.

Republicans not being allowed to observe the counting process. Michigan postal worker says supervisor participated in voter fraud. North Carolina loosing ground for trump with 99 percent of the vote in. Arizonia, historically for Republicans, called for biden with 50% vote in while states with 80 % in leading for trump not called.

The news media, polls, Dems states all trying to push biden for President. Trump 1million votes ahead and been eroded after the polls closed on election day. Now some votes will be allowed with out signatures being equal to signatures. they do not have to match, no postmark needs to be on mail in ballot. Why, this was not a surprise? The election was not a surprise.

Philadelphia as Judge has ruled to allow trump team into counting of ballots, they are still being blocked.

Al Gore fought till onto dec13 to litigate hanging chad in florida. Trump being attacked for doing the same.

States loosened voting acceptence of ballots to make ballots easier to accept with out proving they are legitimate.

Left news and polls have called for a blue wave and prepared the left voters for that however the wave did not appear. House republicans increased seats .Senate held. Left calling for barrett to recuse herself from any issue involving election.

We will see what happens.

Penn supreem court just came out and ruled Trump watchers can not the counting of ballots.

Non residents have voted in Clark County and Washoe. That is why Nevada has stopped counting votes. I have personally see voter fraud, reported it and nothing was done to punish the illegal voting.

Enemies at the gate that support Obama

(After 8 years in office, Obama is losing his friends. and the US in NOT any better. Time for a change)

  • M Qadhafi
  • Hugo Chavez
    • new world order
    • Says he will vote for Obama if he could.
    • Chavez dead 5 Mar 2013
  • Hesbalah
    • Celebrates election
  • George Soros
  • Saul Alinski
    • Rules for Radicals
    • Community Organizer
    • Obama is student.
  • Bill Ayers
    • Wrote Obama's Book Dreams from My Father
    • Strong Marxist beliefs anti
    • US
  • Fidel Castro
  • Rev Wright
    • God Damn America
  • Cass Sunstein
    • Defends communism, welfare state
    • Obama's Regulatory Czar
  • Karl Marx
  • Van Jones
    • Obamas Green Czar resigned. Devout Communist.
  • Vladimir Lenin
  • Black Panthers
  • Tim Gietner
    • Head of US Treas
    • Tax Cheat
  • Iran
    • Soft on Iran
  • Palestine
    • Obama feels Palestine deserves a homeland over Israel.
  • Terrorist groups
  • U.S. Threats
  • Nancy Pelosi
    • 500,000,000 Americans lose jobs each month
  • Harry Ried
    • War is Lost!
    • Romney a Liar
    • Romney a tax cheat
    • Refuses to bring House bills to the floor for a vote. He is the obstructionist. Blames Republicans
  • Dreams of my Father?Who was Obamas Father and what did he believe.
    • Anti Colonalist
    • Communist 
      • Frank Marshll Davis: Mentor
  • Obamas Islamic upbringing or the dreams of his Step-Father.

News Updates
They all wanted change like Obama.
"Where the chains of capitalism are forged, there they must be broken. Only that is socialism, and only thus can socialism be created. " Lenin/ BHO
Disarming the U.S.

This is really HOPE and CHANGE!!!!!!

Obama Phones: They are for real!!!!!